Shipping Policy
Please allow 1 to 3 days for order processing and shipping transit time 5 to 10 business days for US and 7 to 12 days for International delivery, however, you may receive your items much earlier. All orders are shipped with tracking numbers so you can track them every step of the way! You will receive an email once the order is shipped.
Once you order has been shipped, you will receive a tracking number for your package. You may also visit our website at any time and click on our Lookup/Track Your Order page to find the real-time update of your shipment.
We are proud to offer a 45 day money back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied with any of our products, you may request to get a refund within 45 days. Please see our page on Return and Refund Policy.
For more information, please contact us through phone, email or through our Contac Us form. We try to reply to all inquiries with 24 hours.
Phone: +18885650801